Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Art and Alcohol

The final project in my Interpretations class is to design an interpretive device, tour, exhibition, etc. So I have decided to devise an interpretive tour that goes throughout the art institute dealing with Art and Alcohol, history, culture, etc. (obviously for adults only) It is super fascinating that the subject stretches throughout the art institute from ancient wine vessels to more contemporary works, so there is a lot to work with. I'm pretty excited about it, and some people in class have expressed interest in actually going on the tour. Even though the object of the final project was to design and layout the work for an imaginary interpretive tour, I may actually use some of the research from the mobile challenge in cyberped and create something for the final project. Should be fun and pretty educational!

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear that classes are merging and crossing over, heather! i'll be interested to see what emerges from the project. you should post it on here when it's done!
